Thursday, November 9, 2017

Between the brothas

I spent the first half of 2017 taking a break from (In)Visible Men to get this painting completed. The image was taken from my retirement trip to Tanzania to trek Mt. Kilimanjaro and safari in the Serengeti. These children were out walking in the savanna and approached us while we were looking at the termite pillar. I love how the figures look like the elongated carvings from some of the cultures there.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I haven’t forgotten you brothas

I haven’t forgot you Shawn, Rodney, and Marshawn. I was away from this piece for more than a year.  I’d been busy climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and working on a piece from the trip. But I’m back and this will be complete before December in preparation for a February 2018 show at Northwestern University.